Patterns done

Today I dedicated my day to “shoe work”, I finished up the patterns on the computer, I was hoping to also finish up the quilting pattern too, but I couldn’t make up my mind on what kind of quilt I want to use, and at one point I wanted to just trash the quilt idea. In the end I still haven’t decided what I’m going to use for it, so I’m just going to sleep it over and hopefully in the morning I will have something.  If not I can just continue thinking it through tomorrow, which will be my day dedicated to the portfolio.

I was hoping to put some work into the portfolio on Friday, but I stayed up really late on Thursday and got up really early on Friday, so on the time I was supposed to dedicate to work on it, I just basically napped so that I wouldn’t fall asleep while riding my bike. Somehow I did manage to fit in about a hour to start up the patterns on the computer for the blazers, but it wasn’t supposed to be for that day ha ha! I’m gonna make sure I make up for the lost work in the morning.

Here is the fourth art piece from the “color and composition” group I have to finish:

This was a lot harder then it looks, I ended up making this almost four times, the first two I was using India ink which had a nice tone, but I didn’t know that it wasn’t waterproof so while working on it I put my sweaty hands(from hours of working on it) on some of the black parts and viola, I had smear marks on it, so I had to start all over, I went on to look for some markers instead and bought myself some Copic Multiliners, of different point widths and various refills, after a couple of more hours(spread through several days)  I finally ended up with the piece above.  I’m pretty happy with it, its not something exactly mind-blowing but it works for what I needed.






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