Category: Artwork/School

  • Quilting on mind.

    Sorry for not updating in a bit. I have gotten a couple of things done but had found it hard to find some time to get on here, first would be the portfolio piece that I finished a couple of weeks ago, here is a picture of it: It felt great to finally get it…

  • Almost done

    I spent almost all day on this piece, I only need about a hour more to finish it up, but I’m collapsing so I have to leave it for later in the morning, it turned out a bit easier then I had thought(which was why I was procrastinating so much with it before) but I’m pretty happy…

  • Patterns done

    Today I dedicated my day to “shoe work”, I finished up the patterns on the computer, I was hoping to also finish up the quilting pattern too, but I couldn’t make up my mind on what kind of quilt I want to use, and at one point I wanted to just trash the quilt idea.…

  • The past couple of weeks

    I have been working on some sketching exercises and “visualization” basically perspective stuff, but I had gotten way too into it, so I haven’t been able to actually work on the portfolio which as some of you might know, is why I’m taking the break. I decided to change up my daily schedule a bit…

  • Site back up.

    I went through a couple of changes with it, and even though the site looked nice for a bit, I had some problems with the DNS, so I made it back into a wordpress blog. I’ll update this a bit more next week. For the meanwhile, heres the link to my flickr page with my…