Welcome to Sharp020’s Blog

Hello! I’m Sharp020. This space is all about how I give sneakers a new look with quilting. Plus, I share step-by-step guides on how to do it yourself.

  • Continuation on the “inverted” portfolio piece.

    Its been taking me a bit longer then I really wanted with this, but it was due to having been called in to work on days that were meant to be free for me, so its not that I was lazy this time around. I’m hoping to have much more free time to work on…

  • Still working…

    Its been a bit since I posted, its not that I’ve been lazy and not worked on anything, I just been to lazy to type haha! Anyways about two weeks ago I gave up on the cross hatch piece I was doing, it was just taking too long for a single artwork and it was…

  • So far today…

    This is what I got done for the blazers, calling it a night for shoe building work, now I gotta sketch when I get back from my night-job.

  • Working till late at night.

    Heres what I got, tongues are done, also got a pic of the heel and liner. Its actually built up already but I’m too lazy to take a pic right now, so for later:  

  • Continue with the work.

    Sorry for the lag on the update, I have been working on the blazers for most part of this week.  About a week and a half ago I finished up all of the black parts in the the “cross-hatch” piece for the portfolio, here is the two side by side: That was probably on Friday night, August…

  • Weekend, semi-fruitful?

    On Saturday I cut up all of the paper patterns, brainstormed a bit on exacltly what colorway/materials and method I wanted to use to accomplish this design and then called it a night. The next day I got up late due to nightmares, they were scary! Anyways, I wasted almost no time after waking up, I prepared…