Welcome to Sharp020’s Blog

Hello! I’m Sharp020. This space is all about how I give sneakers a new look with quilting. Plus, I share step-by-step guides on how to do it yourself.

  • Future pricing…

    My pricing will be a bit more expensive when I start taking orders again, labor alone will cost 400. The reason behind the increase is because I spend more time on hands with the shoe, I pay more attention to detail and make sure things come out right and if not do them over(I did…

  • A bit of an update.

    As you guys may know, I haven’t been taking orders for a couple of months now, still not taking orders btw, but I’ll get into that later. Since I didn’t have that extra income, I had to work extra hours at my “night” job, which the past couple of months wasn’t really a night job…

  • Site back up.

    I went through a couple of changes with it, and even though the site looked nice for a bit, I had some problems with the DNS, so I made it back into a wordpress blog. I’ll update this a bit more next week. For the meanwhile, heres the link to my flickr page with my…